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10 Helpful Gifts for Women Who Want to Go Gray

Inside: Gifts for women who want to go gray this holiday season.

As most women know, choosing to ditch the dye and embrace your gray hair can be a daunting decision and it’s one that isn’t usually taken lightly.

So if you have a friend who is going gray, why not celebrate her bold choice this holiday season?

Having a supportive and thoughtful friend (or family member) will make her transition to gray so much easier!

Looking for gift ideas for a woman who wants to embrace her gray hair? These are the best gifts for women starting their gray hair transition journey

Please note that this article may contain affiliate links.  You can read my full disclosure at the bottom of the page.


image of tangled silver magazines

A Gray-Only Magazine Subscription

Tangled Silver is one of the only magazines devoted solely to women with gray hair, and the beautiful photography and helpful articles & tips will inspire your friend to see her gray hair transition through to the finish line!

Use coupon code KGP25 at checkout to get 25% off!

image of the Every Which Way to Go Gray Ebook

A Helpful Gray Hair Guide

Every Which Way to Gray is my signature e-Book that lays out EVERYTHING one needs to know about transitioning to naturally silver hair. It’s a 72-page downloadable book with a LOT of helpful content for any woman who wants to go gray.

In  Every Which Way to Gray, you will learn:

  • Every method of going gray, plus their pros and cons (so you can find the method that works for YOU)
  • Questions to ask yourself before you choose your method (so that you can make sure you’re on the right track)
  • What to do once you decide to go gray (so you can have an easy transition)
  • Answers to your frequently asked questions (so you won’t waste time trying to figure it all out on your own)
  • Tips on how to enjoy your transition (so you don’t give up in frustration)
  • How to hide your demarcation line (so you won’t rush back to dyeing)
  • Helpful products for your transition (so you can look and feel your best)

So, if you have a friend who is ready to ditch the dye and go gray, this is the book for her!

* Use coupon code KGPBF10 to get $10 off my book through December 31, 2023. *

The Silver Hair Handbook is the perfect gift for a woman starting her gray hair journey

A Handbook for Silver Sisters

Silver Hair: A Handbook is a great gift to give to a budding silver sister as it’s chock-full of beautiful photography, empowering stories, and hair-care tips.

My BFF Julie gave it to me when I mentioned I was ready to go gray, and I really loved the sweet gesture of support!

Temporary Silver Hairspray

L’Oreal Colorista is a fun way to get an idea of what you’ll look like with gray hair. It washes out in one-day, so there’s no commitment!

A lot of women also use it to hide their dyed hair when they’re growing out their gray hair cold turkey. Cool, right?!

If a woman you know is thinking of going gray, a gray hair wig might be a great gift!

A Fun Gray Wig

It’s always fun to try to figure out what one will look like with gray hair, so how about this inexpensive wig? It gets great reviews!

And many women use wigs to get through the early months of their gray hair transition.

Going Gray: How to Embrace Your Authentic Self with Grace and Style is a helpful book for any woman starting the gray hair transition

A Myth-Busting Book About Gray Hair

If your friend is the analytical type, she’ll get a kick out of Anne Kreamer’s Going Gray: How to Embrace Your Authentic Self with Grace and Style. Kreamer uses her journalistic skills to investigate what really happens when you go gray.

image of mature gray hair woman wearing shirts that says "dye my hair, nah!"

A Shirt that Says It All

This cool shirt lays it all out there and forestalls the inevitable questions about whether one is going gray on purpose or not!

The My Silver Crown Shop has a variety of other fun gray hair shirts in various sizes and colors. Make sure to use code KGP25 for 25% off!

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This inspirational metal bracelet has a great message for the woman who is ready to go gray

A Lovely Inspirational Bracelet

Your friend might need a little reminder during the day about how fabulous she is going to look once she gets through her transition to gray hair, so how about this lovely bracelet?

A Fun Messy Bun

Bun extensions are another great way to experiment with going gray! Your budding-silver-sister friend can pull her hair into a ponytail, let her newly gray roots shine, and pin-on this fun, messy bun for an instant transformation!

Wow Root Powder is a helpful gift for a woman who wants to go gray to feel more confident in her gray hair transition

Wow Root Powder

If your friend is feeling is a little self-conscious about her roots, some Color Wow Root Powder might put her at ease! It comes in many different shades, and is recommended by one of our favorite silver sisters, Louise.

A silk pillowcase is the perfect gift for anyone on a hair transition journey, because it's healthy for your hair

A Lovely Silk Pillowcase

This beautiful silk pillowcase gets fantastic reviews on Amazon.

Silk pillowcases not only reduce bed-head, but they also can help with facial wrinkles. What the what?! Your friend will thank you for this one!


That’s easy!

The best gift you can give to your gray-hair-aspiring friend is your unconditional love and support.

You wouldn’t believe the number of rude remarks women get about their gray hair, so having a friend or family member give love and support is very important.

If you feel like being extra-supportive, tell your friend or family member about my gray hair transition blog, and suggest she join the Facebook group, Silver Revolution.

And if she is on Instagram, point her towards these awesome gray hair Instagram accounts for inspiration!

She’ll thank you for it.

Please do me a favor and share this post to social media, as it helps me grow my audience and spread the word about our Silver Revolution!  And remember to subscribe to my YouTube Channel and Pinterest Feed for more gray hair tips and product recommendations. Thanks!

Check out my Amazon Shop for all your gray hair needs!

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  1. Oh my goodness gracious. I am in the process of going gray and the t-shirt blew me away!

  2. Heather Fisher says:

    Thanks for all the great suggestions! I just might have to pick up one of these books. They sound like interesting reads. Please keep the great ideas coming.

  3. Jeannette says:

    Katie thank you for being such an amazing inspiration for all of us. Keep up the great work.

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