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Silver Sparkles – Why Joanna Chose to Go Gray

Inside: Joanna’s Gray Hair Transition story

Age: 56
Instagram: @ichoosegray

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I was in my early 30’s when I first noticed a silver crown framing my face.

I panicked and immediately ran out and bought my first box of hair dye.

Eventually, I graduated to the hair salon for highlights and a single color process for many years.

It’s funny when I think back to my 30s and 40s, the idea of not coloring never occurred to me.

A collage of images of Joanna's grey hair journey.

Growing up I watched my Mom, Aunts and my Mom’s friends all dyeing their hair, and I said,  “Hell!” – they sometimes would dedicate a Friday night just for coloring each other’s hair.

In my 40s, I stopped the highlights but continued with the single color process.

I was not happy with my color and my grays (which now I refer to as “my silver sparkles”) were showing after two weeks.

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Looking into the mirror I said to myself, “What if I just stop? Why not just be me?”

It was like a lightbulb went off in my head.  I was so excited.  

I shared the idea with my family.  My husband, my sister and my three daughters (who happen to be my BFFs) were very supportive.

So my journey began, I stopped cold turkey.  

Joanna’s Grey Hair Journey: 2 Months In

About 2 months in, I received a call from my stylist, who seemed concerned. I had not been in for my 3-week routine, I assured him I was fine, but no longer felt the need to dye my hair – I would see him soon for a healthy trim.

At first, the salon was apprehensive about my decision, but by the second visit the crew was complimenting me on my transition, and the vibe was all good!

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As my hair changes, I become more confident and fierce.

I have to thank my silver sisters, as I just love the support.

I am a member of the Silver Revolution and follow many sisters on Instagram. This is how I met Katie. I am so appreciative of her blog!

At this point, I am not using any special silver shampoo or products.  I am just a little over 4 months into my journey.  

My stylist did put a glaze on the old dye for shine. 

I plan on keeping my hair long, and as it changes I will be looking for advice.  I know I can count on my sisters.

Every day is an adventure. I wake up with the joy of discovering me.  I feel confident…beautiful…. and mostly blessed.  Thank you for letting me share my journey.

Joanna’s Gray Hair Transition Photos

I will be 10 months dye-free this month!

I can honestly say I love my natural silver…I feel confident…happy and kinda obsessed with it…who would have thought?!

Thanks to you and all the other silver sisters for being supportive and encouraging throughout this journey!

Joanna's long brown hair is kept in gentle waves and a neat side braid as she grows out her natural grey hair.

Please do me a favor and share this post to social media, as it helps me grow my audience and spread the word about our Silver Revolution!  And remember to subscribe to my YouTube Channel and Pinterest Feed for more gray hair tips and product recommendations. Thanks!

Related Posts:

Going Gray and Keeping Your Hair Long?

Terry’s Lovely Long Gray Hair

Joli’s Silver Hair Journey

Check out my Amazon Shop for all your gray hair needs!

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  1. I love women , allowing the silver to shine through, it gives them an edge to their style, I think they are gorgeous !!!
    I’ve ditched the hair colour at 51 with short hair, my silver and I mean silver it really sparkles and is not dull is coming through sporadically , but already I feel liberated , yes liberated ?
    My hairdresser is completely behind me as she feels it will suit my skin tone and eye colour .
    I love all the positivity allowing the grey to shine through .
    Mel X

  2. Rosa Fuentes says:

    I’m also 56 yrs old and I actually just died my hair this past Friday. That same afternoon, I decided to go all natural. My grays are more white than gray, my Mom’s hair is as white as snow, and I took after her. My hair color now is brown and I dye it every 2 weeks! That puts a nice little dent in my pocket. But, I also think about traveling abroad and what will happen if I go on a long vacation. So, natural it is. My husband is very supportive and I’ve been looking at different pictures of women who have gone gray. As long as you keep your hair styled and maintain a youthful appearance, there’s no need to dread the thought of looking “old”. I’m looking forward to this journey with my hair and can’t wait to see what I look like with “light” hair. Congratulations to you, you look amazing!

    1. Thank you Rosa for the kind words…
      congratulations?on your journey…I am just approaching the 8 th month into my grey hair transiation…I would not change a thing…we are so very fortunate to have such a network of lovely ladies☀️❤️!!

  3. Gorgeous Joanna! Your smile lights up the page constantly!

    1. Thank you Jonie…you are such an inspiration to all?

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