My name is Niamh (age 32). I am a PA for an executive and I live just outside Dublin, Ireland.
I am engaged to a lovely man and am getting married in September. He is my biggest supporter and always there to make me laugh and smile through everything.
I discovered my first small patch of grey hair at the front left side of my crown when I was 14 years old. 14-year old me was not particularly impressed, however, she accepted it as is!
Looking back I think a lot of people assumed I was dyeing it. People still assume that about my hair… which is funny considering the amount of time and money I spent between 23 and 30 on hair dye.
I always went to my stylist to dye my hair and she always did a great job but it was expensive and by the time I reached 29, I had to dye my hair every 4 weeks and use touch up sprays every two weeks just to keep on top of it.