I had a few issues with purple shampoo though: it only covers up the discoloration, it is a dye and I had left dye behind, and most purple shampoo left me feeling itchy.
These issues led me to the question: could the discoloration be removed? I started doing research on ways to remove the discolorations without bleaching or stripping the hair.
Once I had tinkered around in my kitchen with different hair mask recipes using kaolin clay combined with clarifying products, coconut oil, and several other ingredients I created what I felt was an effective recipe and gave it a go.
It was only natural for me to engage my entrepreneurial spirit and run with it. My primary business for the last few years has been working with womenpreneurs building their brands, their websites, and social media presence.
QuickSilverHair Clay is made primarily of Kaolin Clay and essential oils. The magic of the clay is that when mixed with oils and a good quality all-natural conditioner it makes a beautiful frosting-like mask that detoxifies your hair without stripping it.
QuickSilverHair Squalane Oil is especially beneficial for anyone with inflammatory skin conditions, acne, psoriasis, and dry skin. We are finding impressive results: my husband suffers with scalp psoriasis, and the oil greatly reduces the skin irritations.
I think that will probably be the natural evolution of the brand. I am already thinking about making the clay into a premixed mask for those who do not want to be bothered with the kit.