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Do You Have What It Takes to Go Gray?

katie goes platinum

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Have you seen photos of women going gorgeously gray and thought to yourself, "I want to do that, too?" Great!  But don't do it if you can't handle these these common issues: →→→→

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Negative comments and feedback from friends, family, coworkers, and sometimes even strangers! This doesn't happen to everyone, but it happens to a lot of us.

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The best thing to do is to prepare some comebacks in advance, so that you aren't taken by surprise when someone has a negative comment about your transitioning hair. Confidence is KEY! 

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How well do you handle CHANGE? For example: The colors that looked great on you before your transition to gray may no longer suit you. 

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If you don't mind change, it can be fun to experiment with new makeup and clothing colors until you find the ones that suit you. But if you hate change, you might feel frustrated.

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Do you think you can handle the transition period? Some of us love going gray from dyed hair, but others get discouraged by the time it takes to grow out their gray hair, or the awkward grow-out period.

If you have patience and a sense of humor, the gray grow-out will be a piece of cake! But if you hate the transition process, you might reach for the dye bottle in frustration.

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How do you feel about maintaining your gray hair? Gray hair is actually easier to maintain than dyed hair, but it presents its own special challenges, for sure.

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